Filling adaptors Adaptor Italy for Chevrolet Aveo 67R01

Adaptor Italy for Chevrolet Aveo 67R01

€ 54.89

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The LPG filling adapter Italy for Chevrolet Aveo is a convenient tool for hassle-free LPG refueling in different countries. This adapter is specifically designed for use in the following countries: Denmark, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Bosnia-H., Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia, Norway, Austria, Portugal, Slovakia, Sweden and the Czech Republic. This adapter fits the Chevrolet Aveo and is easy to use. The adapter has many advantages, such as:

  • Ability to refuel LPG hassle-free in different countries
  • Large internal thread for vehicles from Chevrolet or Deawoo factory-equipped with an LPG installation
  • To refuel LPG in other European countries, you need the LPG filling nozzles that can be found further down this page (ACME for Belgium or Germany - bayonet for the Netherlands or Great Britain).